I accept the loss, but I do want to have my say alongside the above ruling, that both be taken into consideration. There are two sides to every coin, huh? I was never asked to alter that portion of Gonad's profile, as pertaining to the Beardforce scaling flawlessly with an opponent's full latent power, nor was I notified of such a change. What's more, my profile was misread by the judge, who incorrectly stated that the Beardforce only scales from Gonad's perception of an opponent, when in fact it's based from their full latent power as well. Gonad also recognized the kid as an opponent on sight, and so on sight did the Beardforce activate. I am aware of the no metagaming ruling, but I should have been told before the fight about what changes were implemented to my character. It was an impossible attack to dodge, and without warning Gonad was deprived of his only means to survive the attack. It wasn't a mismatch, but a severe judicial error. Gonad is susceptible to enemy attacks, doesn't mean they all kill him, particularly if they are straight up impossible to react to and avoid without powerplaying. Say you have a giant standing three miles tall. He can kill with his breath alone, so powerful is he. Gonad is powerscaled to the might of the giant, able to trade blows with it. Should its breath, effortless and impossible to avoid due to how much of it there is, considered deadly to lesser creatures, be instant doom for Gonad, who is no lesser creature? Is it a full force attack requiring all of the giant's assets to land, as how a punch from Gonad requires the synchronization of his whole body to a task? That is how I came to my decision to take the blow, rather than dodge it and wind up with a massively hypersonic Gonad. This being a mid tier tournament, I did not consider it reasonable to be able to move in response to lightning. [quote=@Doc Doctor] Think of an armored man with a machine gun facing a naked man wielding only his fists. A good comparison to the Beardforce's application is to think of how physically capable the fistfighter would need to be to stand a [color=ed1c24]perfectly fair[/color] chance of beating the armored gunman. [/quote] The ultimate purpose of the Beardforce is equalization to the purpose of a fair fight, the very core of Gonad's power. Again, the function of the Beardforce, by its very nature, is to make a fight even-steven for both competitors. If it is not allowed to fulfill that purpose I'm essentially forced to compete with a severe handicap. Was it fair for the Beardforce to grant Gonad, a barehanded melee fighter, a high resistance to electricity, taking into account its redundantly high velocity, range, and spamability? How Jason's entire body was electrified to the touch? Or would it have been more acceptable to move in reaction to lightning? The Beardforce is a simple power, one that doesn't require a working technical knowledge of physics. I feel that the fight was lopsided in the sudden nerfing of Gonad without my notice and the forced inability to fairly deal with the lightning as a result. An OTK? Yes. Legitimate? Well, hasn't a winner has been declared? Logic enough, I suppose. I must still respect the judge's decision, for in all honesty, I should have anticipated the vast subjectivity of how everyone defines 'fair', misread profiles aside. I had many indications that the Beardforce was too ambitious a power, yet I ignored them with the thought that I could somehow give 'fair' a tangible form. It was a matter both too controversial and too encompassing to be at all practical in a competitive environment such as this one.