[center] [color=ed145b][h1][b]Keira Summers[/b][/h1][/color] [hr] [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjEyNzg2NTM4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzcxNzMwNjE@._V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg[/img] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Keira Summers [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Lineage:[/b] The Summers Family, daughter of Sampson Summers & Edith Lake [b]School/house:[/b] Hogwarts/Ravenclaw [b]Patronus:[/b] White Mare [b]Personality:[/b] Intelligence is what Keira prides herself with. She’s bright, smart, and full of life. She is rather resilient, and will do her best in anything and everything. Keira is sharp and rather cunning at the same time. She is not one to start fights, but she will finish them. Don’t pick a fight with Keira if you know what’s good for you. She’s brutal when she has to be. Keira is an independent girl; probably why her wand is made of pine. She is quite creative, and can adapt easily. She is faithful and trustworthy to her friends and family, and rather honest too. She will always tell you the truth in her eyes, even if you think she’s being too blunt, or cruel. She just wants the best for you. [b]Bio:[/b] Sampson Summers was a Griffindor seeker. He was kind, good, caring, and quite friendly, though competitive and brutal at the same time. Edith Lake was an intelligent Ravenclaw ‘mudblood’, sweet, sharp, cool, collected. She loved learning new things, and would do anything to help others. Growing up in Australia, Sampson and Edith kept Keira in the dark about most things, including about witches and wizards. They didn’t want to influence their daughter in any way. They wanted to see how she would turn out first. As she grew, she became interested in witches and wizards. She was found pretending to be a witch, and so on her tenth birthday, she was told the family secret. She was a witch. Happy, excited and energetic were her feelings. Keira began to learn how to fly on a broomstick with her father, and how to create potions and learn spells from her mother. She became a rather inquisitive and intelligent child, and so entered Hogwarts when she turned 11. According to her mother, Keira becoming a Ravenclaw was her greatest achievement. Becoming a Ravenclaw helped Keira grow into the girl she is today. In the first year, Keira was top of her class. Her best class was Potions, Transfiguration and Charms coming in second place. In her second year, she was drafted as Ravenclaw’s Chaser. She was fast, sturdy and strong in her role, always doing the best she could. Defence against the dark arts became her favourite subject. Wanting to protect others in the future, she talked to the Defence against the dark arts teacher, and decided to become an Auror. Finishing her schooling at Hogwarts, she travelled the world for a year, learning new things everywhere she went, before completing her Auror training. During the year she travelled, she went to Japan in the spring (for the cherry blossoms), Switzerland in the winter (for the skiing), France (for the Eiffel Tower), Germany (for the Neuschwanstein Castle), Italy (for the Colosseum, Statue of David, Venice and the Leaning Tower of Pisa), Austria (for the birthplace of Mozart and the Sound of Music), Eritria (for all the beautiful foods), Vietnam, China, South Korea, and all around America. [/center]