[center][h1][b][color=007236]Hunter[/color], [color=9e0b0f]Talon[/color], [color=0072bc]Jezebel[/color] & [color=00aeef]Alia[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] When the SWAT team appear, Hunter, Talon, Jezebel and Alia try to escape, but their struggles are useless, as they are taken. Thrown in the cell, they curse the men who took them, vowing to get back at them when they can. Jezebel and Alia curl into their brothers, seeking the only familiarity they have; each other. They look at the man in the cell, and frown when he speaks to them. "Y'all make to much noise. Keep it down." They don't say anything after that, remaining quiet, as they glare at anything outside the cell. When the three females arrive, they still don't say anything, preferring to stay huddled together.