[@HereComesTheSnow] [B]Mindaro Mondays - [url=http://i.imgur.com/5Yg3CXc.jpg]Galla[/url][/B] She took in the scene before her with lifeless, hazel eyes. It was immediately obvious from the physical similarities and a lack of other options that the messy-haired young man on the chair was the same big brother that Dawn had spoken of. And, taking into account the droop of the cowlick on his head, the likely object of her sister's curiosities. It seemed like it really did run in the family. It also appeared to be the only indicator of the struggle he must have overcome mere moments before their rival; the rest of him, a few scuff marks aside, appeared to be entirely unharmed, as if he had managed to successfully avoid the supposedly-inevitable assault that the elder of the Schwarz sisters had promised. The healing-based semblance he possessed was clearly effective. "[color=DFFF00]Hi Luke,[/color]" she replied immediately. He appeared to recognise her. If he was familiar with big sister, then that was expected; it was Family Day. "[color=DFFF00]I'll consider your offer.[/color]" Her tone, patient and unnaturally calm, did not change an iota.