[H2][center]Ryan Chideta 23/7/15, Seto: The First Step[/center][/h2] [Center][@Letter Bee][@Sen][@EnterTheHero][/center] As they moves into the first area of Seto everybody noticed a weird mirror floating in the air, Sato said that it would lead to the last area they had been in. Ryan shrugged and climbed through after Sato, immediately feeling a change in pressure. Ryan looked around to make sure nothing would surprise them, but Ayano didn't mention any Shadows so it was probably safe. Probably. Looks like this is a safe area then. Makes sense that the Mirror wouldn't drop them in the middle of a group of enemies. They exited the village and appriached an open field, there was a forest behind them but they had managed to go around it with the Mirror. Handy thing. Hopefully it would do that often because it seemed like Seto was a lot bigger than he initially thought. Ryan breathed in deeply as he realized he was subconsciously holding his breath. This was definitely gonna take some getting used to, the question is did he want to get used to this oppressive place? Ryan flinched as Zeke screeched from behind them, landing on a roof to watch them and provide aerial support. He remembered the first time he saw that thing, it had bombed a bunch of Shadows that had quite frankly been whupping everyone's ass. They scouted ahead, Ayano stayed behind with Zeke, and got to a nearby cliff to survey the land. Ayano told everyone there were Shadows to the east and to the north. Big Shadow at the bridge and small Shadows at the hut. [Color=royalblue]"I say we head to the hut first. Clear out the trash mobs then deal with the big guy."[/color] That's of course assuming they don't immediately come fusing to each other's aid. Which was very possible. Either way Ryan liked exploring as much as possible, he did it in video games and he would do it here.