[quote=@Delta44] [@Demon Shinobi] [img]http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/63/63f1d5e4c439c235f581ed3ee8a2a526073a7030dba4bb72eb5613fc403ef914.jpg[/img] Though if they can't get along in the harem... [img]https://img.memesuper.com/5bc0057c2241630217d0f84dcc86c014_the-top-3-times-i-got-rejected-by-women-gutsy-geek-rejected-by-girl-meme_700-525.jpeg[/img] :D [/quote] I hardly think that there is a harem where every single member is satisfied with their situation tho? More like passive acceptance or something like that in an ideal case... More like rivalry and mutual distrust normally tho, ideal harems only happen in animes.