[center][h1]Wall Maria: Shiganshina District[/h1] [img]http://img07.deviantart.net/7bcc/i/2014/354/4/9/awakened_by_ultimategundamgeek-d8ak026.png[/img] [h3]"[i]I'm here to save my world.[/i]"[/h3] Another flash of light struck the heart of Shiganshina. Like a reflection of the Colossal Titan's grand introduction, a cloud of smoke formed in center town. This billowing mass was not as substantial and had minimal effects in comparison, but the image that formed out of the debris was just as demonic. With eyes glowing like the sun and a bone structure that appeared to shield the entirety of it's body, this titan proved different than any other recorded before. It stood at about fifteen meters in height and had teeth sharper than blades. Out of its fingertips grew claws made of bone marrow and it's vertebrate pierced right out of its back. This 'Armored Titan' walked upright like the normal Titan, but moved swiftly around the destroyed homes like it knew its surroundings and destination. Its eyes did not waiver from where it needed to be, locking down its target and beginning to execute. [h3]"CLOSE THE GATES!!!"[/h3] The prompt screams of the Garrison soldiers put all of Shiganshina at attention. "Close the damn gate!!" they repeated, running in fright towards Wall Maria. The crew within the wall started to lower the gates, eyes wide as they saw the behemoth fiend RUNNING in their direction. "Tha...thats...impossible," a soldier stuttered, tears forming at the edge of his eyes. Faster than the 3d maneuver gear, the Armored Titan charged towards the wall. It's arms rotating at the shoulders in opposition to the movement of its legs, sprinting at a blistering speed. Steam formed from it's nose, going against the wind resistance that held no effect at all. With every thudding step, the ground beneath him caved, leaving footprints in the pavement as its weight overwhelmed the earth. The soldiers that stood as the first line of defense fired their cannons at the beast. The initial round iron missile struck against his shoulder, completely disintegrating on impact against his armored skin. Rapidly, the Titan was able to dodge the other incoming cannonballs, proving the Garrison cannon fire useless against him. Knowing the hopelessness of their situation the remaining defense team retreated towards the gate, begging the gate team for help. Their feeble legs held no strength as their fear of dying weakened their senses. As the Titan ran over them, they perished under his feet or flew with the residue of his destruction. At this point.... ...the Armored Titan succeeded in breaching the north gate, and with that Wall Maria was fallen.[/center]