"All right," Lizzy agreed easily. Technically, none of them were of a higher rank than the others, so not using sir wouldn't complicate anything. It had been a passing remark on her part, in fact, and one she hadn't even noticed until he mentioned it. Through the protective visor of her helmet, she watched Montana as the steadily growing group crossed to the mess hall and got in line for food, but put it aside as a quirk. For her, it was enough that he had decided to join them, and she'd been told in her time that she had quirks of her own. For a moment, she missed her ODST squad terribly. Donovan's suddenly boisterous tone shook her from her thoughts, and she shook her head at him. He was certainly going to be the loudest of the group, and, as Lizzy picked up a tray from the start of the line, she figured it would probably stay that way. The server just stared at Donovan for a long moment, ladle in one hand, before he replied. "Uh, sorry, sir. The choices are hamburger, chicken salad wrap, or mac 'n cheese. What would you like?" Lizzy nudged Donovan's arm and handed him a tray so he would have something to put his plates on. "Mac and cheese, please." She waited for the server to set the plate on her tray, then followed Donovan down the line, grabbing sides as she went and ending with a small bowl of what looked like apple crisp. On her way past the drink machine, the blue-armored freelancer nudged the button for a bottle of water and took that with her as well. The table situation was easy; the nearest table became their place for the duration of the meal as Lizzy slid into a seat. It never really mattered to her where she sat, so long as she had someone to eat with. The starting bruises on her back ached faintly as she sat, reminding her that she had never exactly finished her practice earlier. With tests announced for the next day, she doubted she would have the opportunity either. Even with a small group of freelancers, there were bound to be others queued up to use the training room to prepare. Lizzy reached up to unfasten her helmet; it would be a relief to get it off. As soon as it was clear of her head, she set it on the table beside her tray and shook her head slightly to relieve the feeling of compacted hair. [i]Better.[/i] She glanced up and gave her compatriots a quick, but friendly smile as she picked up her silverware. "So, where were you all recruited?"