Seriouslyyyy this sucks. I think I have fever. Yayyyy. Trying to write with this brain of mine. If I was Zafi, I'd be exploding about now. [@Regitnui] [@Zelosse] Dorm assignments would be cool. That would get everyone something to do, to go & arrange their stuff & meet their dorm mate! [@Hammerman] [@CriticalHit] Been trying to force text out of myself. I think I need to rest and try again a bit later. EDIT. LOL. This just dawned on me. I tried to visualize the scene in the hallway in my mind. Silas and Zafi are sitting on the floor awkwardly close to each other. Kanako standing right in front of the two, wondering what the hell is going on. And practically everyone is blushing. Awkward, incredibly awkward. Now what should Zafi do, I wonder? :lol