[@Luna_Maria] Random words from an old RP: Do not care about your posts. This may sound bizarre and counter intuitive, but if your issue is that your perfectionism is leading towards writer's block, then stop caring so much about how long is has too be. Two well written paragraphs is always better than several meaningless fluff paragraphs. Care about the sum and not the parts. Care not about how people will see something short and say "oh that's bad" since at the end of the day, they aren't holding a gun to your head and saying you must write X amount or you are dead. Lower your expectations and swallow your pride; hubris is the downfall of many things in life. RPing isn't about having quotas to fill on a timetable which is what you are making it out to be, its about just writing about fiction you find interesting. You're afraid of failing and afraid of writing something that will fail thus you don't write, you're fearing fear itself dear. Write whatever comes to your mind and post it without thinking. You cannot be afraid to make mistakes and fail since otherwise you will only ever stagnate and repeat the cycle. From my experience its always been better to trip over your toes a few times RPing and learn from it rather than being hung up on standards and not posting. You will have good posts and you will have bad posts and sometimes you just need to make "sacrificial posts" where you do not care about what it is and just throw it out into the IC. If you are afraid of making mistakes then you will make nothing but mistakes.