The various things I have to do, in no particular order, now that Finals are finally done with. 1. Have Vestec collect some of Kyre's remains and Sword. 2. Have Vestec scold Xos for killing family. [@Cyclone] 3. Have Sularn start making the Rovaick effective and not grubby rock dwellers. [@Muttonhawk] 4. Have Vestec scold Keriss for being so weak and Amartia for being bad at everything but pissing people off.[@Lauder] [@Lokileo789] 5. Have Vestec add his last little bits to the showdown that has been broiling for five hundred years in Amestris. 6. Have Vestec corrupt some Realta way before they were sent to the Valley of Peace. [@Dawnscroll] 7. Have Vestec start making an actual nation in the Changing Plains. 8. Have the Cursed start making a kingdom somewhere super inhospitable (any ideas? I'm leaning towards the bottom of the ocean or the middle of the desert.) 9. Have Vestec create the true rulers of the Venomweald. 10. Finish the Collab with [@Antarctic Termite] 11. Have the Vestecan Rovaick Tribes elaborate on what they are all about. 12. [i]Get my damn dragons that Vec promised ages ago.[/i] [@Vec] 13. Have Vestec visit Acron. 14. Have Vestec go bother Lifprasil. [@poog the pig] 15. Have Vestec turn that tunnel he made through the middle of the earth when Jvan bitch slapped him for [i]no reason at all[/i] into an actually super useful tunnel system. 16. Have Vestec go bother Chiral Phi. That's not even counting the wiki stuff WE ALL HAVE TO DO AND NOW THAT I HAVE FREE TIME I WILL START BOTHERING YOU ALL ABOUT. [quote=@Muttonhawk] Are Vulamera's insidie still around? I'm not sure if they've been plonked anywhere canon-wise. Maybe they should inhabit the islands. It would explain where they've been all this time. [/quote] I think Poog claimed some of them in his population.