[@mnkee] She is an npc, granted because she is a relation one that does make her subject to death like any. (Npcs actually have a much higher chance of dying every round.) - Now currently, I personally would just assume she is "of screen" - like with Fyrors family. You've seen what happens to family member npcs that are actively played. (Jane, Catherine, Elizabeth) - those death toll numbers go up fast. The more you post for a relation npc the higher their chances become each round. But yeah, because you didn't post her going outside, she is in the ballroom. Which actually means I need to roll for her circumstance. So she is in limbo this round and cannot be interacted with currently. Right now Thalken is on scene with Fyror and Millicent, so at least for the start of the post since we are in active battle mode he has to start with them. There is not splitting it up this time. If he manages to get out of scene via rolls before the end of the next round you could continue with him alone and getting rolls just for him. Right now though, it isn't an option.