[@vietmyke][@13900IpForThis][@Bazmund] Whiskey, as liquor, has an Alcohol-by-volume that ranges from 40% to 70%, compared to beer's 3%-5%, and wine's 12%. Assuming it's of a cheap variety, it would contain a higher concentration of alcohol. Adrion, as someone in his late teens, not quite at adulthood, would be more harmed by alcohol than someone like Daniel, Sam or Ekaterine would, as his body is still in development, in particular his brain. Additionally, it [i]is[/i] a drug, and you [i]can[/i] overdose on it. Being drunk is caused by alcohol not being broken down and entering the bloodstream. A stronger immune system is unlikely to reduce the effects, because it is the digestive system that does all the work when it comes to alcohol. The higher the blood-alcohol content, the more dangerous it becomes - and so the stronger the drink, the quicker it could become lethal. 0.3% BAC can cause amnesia, blackouts, and vomiting. 0.45% BAC results in loss of consciousness, suppression of vital functions such as the gag reflex, increasing risk of choking to death on your own vomit, and straight-up death from alcohol poisoning. If Adrion MUST blow his money on something, I recommend wine at the most. If you're wondering why I know this, when I was 13-through-15, there was a mandatory lesson that we had to take, 'Personal and Social Eduction' that taught us about things from STDs, to creating CVs, and then natural disasters and internet safety. I had to find my old notes to pass on this information, but even Also, for the codex, at the very end, there's a section labelled 'Entries'. This is where Cole writes down recent events - giving us a recap, effectively, - and where he might make note of any monumental happenings, though given that he's working with the others, it is entirely likely he's more than likely to hear it from them than from street rumours. However, if you want for Adrion to make a comment on that, that's what I proposed the Notes function for - he comes across the journal, sees the entry and writes down something, provided Baz approves it. I apologise for the wall of text, but even fantasy is based in realism. Wine also tends to be more expensive than liquor.