Once everyone was rounded up again and the Machina taken back with them it was all a good time now to start talking about the future, namely concerning the new bunch. Kensen didn’t much care for this whole little meeting, he had already said what he needed to and was more or less there for observation. He was feeling pretty confident that they were going to accept what they had to do after that fight, there was no way Nymira would let herself be bested by a creature that was apparently a pretty easy kill once magic was easily wielded, then there was Ethan and his constant obsession with Cedric. It was certainly a little amusing, he hadn’t seen someone so shook up over the death of someone they barely knew anything about but maybe it could be motivation for training too. He was hardly happy with this though, he didn’t really want to have to train some kids but there was nobody else who could do so quite like him. He was just there to watch for now, his attention not on anybody as he kept to himself. Cecil, on the other hand, was stressing out to the point of not moving or showing emotion just incase someone caught him out. He didn’t know any of these people other than his friends, he couldn’t act naturally around all these strangers and just had to go ahead and act like a true Machina. He still had that stuck in his head though, the fact that he was a little strange even to Norman. He was scared now, he shouldn’t be something that was strange to a specialist who fixed Machina all the time. It just made him feel terrible that he was even around others who didn’t know better. He surely wasn’t safe to be around if he was an unknown, especially not people who got quite close to him. All these people around him too. He shouldn’t be here with them, he should be outside at least and away from all these people. The woman approaching him on the matter of his combat skills had him feeling worried and confused, thinking he was safe from being talked to. He didn’t understand why she was telling him this, he had fought fine up until that moment from before. “…I’m sorry for being inadequate as a protector and combat Machina, ma’am”, he spoke in a rather monotone way, bowing slightly. He was definitely not used to this but he didn’t want to be seen as anything more than a Machina. It certainly made him a little depressed, he was even wondering why he was a part of this group. They had some new friends now and while he wasn’t jealous, he just saw himself as obsolete to them and probably too dangerous to be around everyone. He needed to go find Norman, at least to show he was capable of taking orders like a Machina would. Kensen was pretty bored of the rundown to say the least and was busy picking at his claw-like nails. It wasn’t that he wasn’t interested, he was just aware of the plans and knew how to go about them so he didn’t need to listen and just had to wait. He did wonder how they were going to take training with him, seeing how Nymira really didn’t like him for not wanting to go back to her clan. Why would he want to go back anyway? He would just be treated worse than he was here by a mile so that was hardly going to be an option for him. It was almost as if she wanted him to be a lowly slave again. His clan wasn’t exactly treated well within hers and if he returned after being banished he was going to be treated like a common criminal. Her arrogance was going to be his suffering if he decided to go back and he wasn’t going to allow that. When they were settled with what they were going to do he stood up a little straighter and waved his hands lightly to shake them off. Looking to Gage briefly he folded his arms, sighing a little. He hoped Gage wasn’t going to be too hard on these two, he knew he could be tough with people even giving up altogether with him. Moving on out of the room he didn’t really give a look to the others until he was confronted by Ethan, staring at him for a moment. He didn’t really know how to react to that kind of friendliness and just remained pretty still for the most part, at least until Gage flew the kid’s compliments off. Sighing a little he shrugged, shaking his head. “When are you ever sweet, anyway? You really need to filter some of that salt out of your system…” He had a fair idea on what he was going to do with them, hopefully they wouldn’t end up giving in too. It was always a waste whenever a Magi just gave up on improving their magic when there was so many who couldn’t even use any. Probably why Gage was always so sour, maybe he too wanted to be able to use it too; then again, Gage did like his big guns. When Nymira decided to act a bit more professionally than desperately wanting to drag him back with her. “…Sure. Have a talk if you want, so long as you don’t wait until the dead of night, I guess…”