[@ohsosaiko] That would be great, thank you, please do!! That's what I thought, I expect the Academy to have stood there for decades, if not centuries. I may create two characters, both spirits. I was thinking of giving them a materialized human-like look. Also, they would need to rest in their mother tree. If that tree gets cut, the spirit residing in it will also die. That brings some excitement to the character's story as her tree must be protected! How would it sound if that tree was one in the courtyard? It would have stood there watching over the Academy over the decades? Was considering a descendant of a god and a dryad, but that would kinda defeat the point. Alright, thank you. I must admit was a bit lost when I began to read the latest posts in this tread. Also as a warning, I tend to write long character sheets. I will try to keep it compact though.