Clarence's breathing continued unabated as he gazed out into the almost endless stalks and saw... nothing. No noise save for animals and creaky old machinery. No smells discernible through a helmet – no ripples in the field to betray the path of an approaching enemy. Just gradually growing shadows on a warm and pleasant afternoon in the plains. Despite himself Clarence found a smirk growing upon his lips at the possibility that he might have been wrong about an enemy being present at all. But then experience often told him to always expect an enemy around virtually every corner. A patently paranoid way to live; certainly, but given he was still alive and his enemies were not he saw no reason to change things up now. Besides – for this land to ever be truly useful to him Clarence would need to tame these wild fields at some point. Thus; with one deep breath he extended his pyrokinetic powers and began to manipulate his Ember Aura. In the space of time it took for him to exhale that same breath the embers grew in intensity to become the sparks of a series of flames. Four jets of ardent crimson flames lanced out into the fields surrounding him on both sides of the road. Each jet guided by the crown of a staff they would set the fields ablaze in mere moments. Already Clarence was stepping backwards into this maelstrom of his own creation as he had no need to fear it. The embers from the nearby flames were being drawn into his own aura – already beginning to intensify his flames further as more of the field was consumed. He back stepped briskly, his eyes scanning te road and the nearby field even as his path lead him back towards the northeast section of the farm fields. Clarence was already fanning the intensity of his flames still further. The more the field burned the more embers he could draw in and the more effective his aura would become. Already the temperature around his own body burned hot enough to set ablaze any of the grain stalks he stood near – and he showed no interest in slowing down the pace of his heat build up as one of his energy crystals began to crack slightly. Meanwhile the flames expanded in waves the fields – casting everything in an orange light underneath a sky blackened by dust.