Anna leaned her head in uncomfortably close to Xaih, she smelled faintly of sea-salt, and damp. “I ask because you should be afraid, Xaih. Fear isn’t just a tool to be used against people, it’s something we all have inside ourselves, use it.” The strange mentor gave the room a quick glance. “Be afraid to die, be afraid of what these people can do, the moment you are certain of anything is the moment you will lose. There are worse things than death, but not many.” Anna’s look was far away, staring right through the girl she spoke with. “Let them be brash and confident in their abilities, and then remind them that life is cruel but you’ll do anything to keep it.” It was odd advice, but perhaps that was simply the only sort of advice one such as Anna could give. “And remember, water gives life, but in an instant, it may take it.” She raised one eyebrow, and then patted the girl’s arm. Her fingers were cold to the touch. [@Xaih]