[@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Big Dread][@Zverda][@Cu Chulainn][@JBRam2002][@Hekazu] Dark Leviathan Wick - 11 (Turn 1: EB and Hex) Theodore – 7 (Turn 2: Hunter’s Mark and Crossbow Bolt) Wick - 14 (Turn 2: Globe of Light and Hex) Katia – 14 (Turn 2: Quarterstaff and Cat’s Claws) Theodore – 13 (Turn 3: Hunter’s Mark and Crossbow Bolt) Wick – 9 (Turn 3: EB without Hex) Thea - 30 (Turn 3: Greatsword, Divine Smite, Redeemed smite) Katia - 14 (Turn 3: Quarterstaff and Cat's Claws) Total = 112 Is this right?