Hey guys! So hopefully you're reading this because you're looking to do some one-on-one roleplaying! Awesome! Currently, the plots below are really what I'm after at the moment. Best way to describe them? Modern day/Near future sci-fi survival? I think that about covers it! Interested? Cool! Well, here's what I'm looking for in a partner: -Active! At least once every two or three days (or more if you want!). Life gets in the way for all of us, so it's understandable if posting every day isn't feasible. But I know large gaps between posts kills MY motivation to post. -Decent post lengths! I'm looking for something in the neighborhood of high casual. If I give you a page worth, I'm hoping for at least that much in exchange. I like working and building off my partner's posts, so if you don't give me enough material, I can't work with it. -Proactive! If you've got an idea for a direction you want to take the RP, do it! The best plots happen when one person isn't the only one driving things forward! -18+ years old. Sorry everyone, this is a non-negotiable one for me. I (and my characters by proxy) tend to swear, be morally questionable, and have been known to engage in "private time" with persons of their sexual preference. While I don't like romance to be all there is to a plot, I do like it as a driving force for character arcs and development. Sexy scenes come with the territory, so hopefully you're comfortable with that too. -Like playing female characters? I'd be slightly more open on this one, but to be honest, my own strengths lie in playing a male character. Additionally, I love it when people aren't afraid to add in an NPC where needed to move things along, and can play more than one character for at least brief amounts of time. -I mentioned romance earlier so I'll say it here: I only do FxM. Sorry, but this is where my knowledge of relationships is. I cannot confidently say I would be able to properly portray other relationship preferences, so I avoid them for the most part. Also, I'm a fan of the Hate-to-Love model of romance. -Don't expect things to run smoothly. Bad things happen to my characters. A lot. I find the "happy" moments of an RP are all the sweeter, knowing the struggle it took for characters to reach that point. And knowing that more bad times are around the corner. Ok. I think that's enough. Haven't run you off yet, have I? Wonderful! This may work out well after all! Below I currently have two plots I've been mulling over for a while and would like to give them a shot, so if you find one that interests you, then shoot me a PM and we can discuss the finer details!! [hider=Stranded] SoldierxScientist Stuck on punishment detail, a soldier acts as a protective escort for the team of research scientists on their way to an offshore base somewhere off the eastern coast of Indonesia. Of the group, only two of them survive the doomed plane ride and must survive the wrath of Mother Nature together, or else fall victim to their assailants still looking for survivors of the downed plane. [/hider] [hider=GMO] ExperimentxOpen The world we knew is long gone. Everyone thought zombies would be responsible for the end of the world, not the soldiers created to protect it. They were touted as the "ultimate weapons"; men engineered to be faster, stronger, to take bullets and keep on fighting, to be ruthless and relentless. In times of war, they flourished. So when it was time for peace, they rebelled. They own the world now, and keep it in a constant state of war. Few places have escaped becoming bombed out hellholes, and they dwindle by the day. People are taken by the "Recruiters" almost daily, just to take part in a battle that had no end in sight. So what happens if another one of those "Super Soldiers" is uncovered, buried in the lab where they were created? [/hider]