[@Lovisa Coldeyes]Mark reached out to shake her hand, ignoring the drink in front of him and hoping that she didn't pay attention to it either. "Omorfia, nice to meet you." He looked at her arm. "Nice tech," Mark said, and then looked over the photos. "Treasure hunting refugees? That's different." He flipped through the photos, saving an image of them for later use, and passing them to Halla. She licked the barbecue sauce of of her fingers and grabbed then, looking them over. "I recognize that." she said. "That's a jeweled statue of Casca, a Hibros god-king from about thirteen thousand years ago, before we went to space." She passed tossed the pictures down on the table, causing them to slide over to the other woman. "Definitely worth our fees." She looked over to Mark. "I say we do it." Mark nodded. "Depending on how big the cut is, it could be good. Sure we can talk."