[center][color=fff200][h2]Elise, Golden rogue[/h2][/color] [hr][@Darkmoon Angel] [hr][/center] Elise pondered the question presented to her for a moment, before ultimately just blurting out her response. [color=fff200]"Seems like an odd question. If the world's ending, and you're qualified to stop it, is there really any choice? If I'm going down one way or another, I prefer to go down with the knowledge that at least I tried to beat fate. Call it obligation if you need, but if you don't mind I'd like to get on with things. I intend no disrespect, but every second not spent fighting this 'darkness' is a second wasted, isn't it?"[/color] With cautious eyes Elise observed the queensguard and the robot, but also the queen's face. It had been a fairly bold statement, and being shot here because the queen might be stuck up on manners and high-teas was not the first thing on Elise's mind of a good journey.