[color=c0c0c0]"Most of Seidon's crew isn't quite cut out for what we'll be bringing to the table. They're smugglers, not true fighters. Either way I found their harmonization to be rather interesting."[/color] Nemo replied looking towards the exit of the room and continuing on. [color=c0c0c0]"I'm sure that the opponents will become tougher soon enough. Not to mention what we really have to worry about is those two church members."[/color] Nemo said. After taking a few turns he came upon a long wide hallway leading to one big door with two guards standing besides it. [color=c0c0c0]"Our shield generator should be right behind that door." [/color]Nemo commented. The first guard brandished a fire axe and stormed down the hallway ready to swing while the other began to charge up a spell while his partner provided a diversion. As soon as the axe wielding sailor would reach Nemo or Raiya he'd take a swing as fast as possible.