[center][h2][i]Smash!!![/i][/h2][/center] Again with this. The front of the store shook as Mikey tripped and slammed his shoulder against the window, struggling to lug around a collection of papers rolled into long tubes as he barely maintained his balance. He reached back with his left hand, propping the tubes up while he felt for the door's handle. It took a few seconds, but as soon as he pushed down on the handle, the door swung open, and Mikey fell backwards onto his back. [i]Swoosh.[/i] His paper rolls were flung across the floor, unravelling in midair to reveal a set of intricate drawings when they settled. Mikey lifted his body forward and stood up slowly, groaning in pain. "Ah, damn it, sorry!" He stammered, "[i]This again-[/i] I wasn't planning on, [i]Oof-[/i] Making such a rough entrance." The man stood tall and patted his pants flat. The sound of clattering metal and plastic rang out as he brushed his hands across his cargo pants. Just how much crap was this guy carrying around? "[i]Hope I didn't break[/i], anything, uh..." Mikey rushed over to his blueprints and scrambled them up in a rush, re-adjusting the tape that held them in shape. "Anything of... Importance." He scanned the length of the doorway, examining each of the hinges carefully before turning back to Gossick with an unsure smile.