[@Draconis][@Animera][@BubblegumQueen][@jeroukoo][@Alphacaeus][@RinOkumara][@Wysteria][@Arya10108909] [color=aba000]"Yes. I sent out the email. I knrw that you had recieved one of the gems. No one was promised anything but answers and a place to learn how to use the powers that the gem has given you. The gems can cause a lot of things. Illusions and hallucinations are definitely within their abilities. There is very little that they can not do. These gems arrived appeared because there is a threat to the planet that only they can defeat. But they need vessels to focus and use their power. You are the ones they have chosen. You can not go back to the lives you left behind."[/color] Gem explained. The gems could do more than these kids could imagine.