[quote=@Drag] I learned the first two chords to Two Headed Boy and my journey through all the metal gears continues, almost finished Phantom Pain then it's off to Shadow Moses [/quote] I know the fandom seems to have decided that MGSV has the best gameplay, but I really like MGS1 and 2. Movement was all so fast and the gameplay and level design was so tight. I wanna go back to them sometime myself, maybe even do a European Extreme run like I did with MGS3. Oh, almost forgot, I finished DMC3 again finally after it was sitting around in the HD collection for so long! [hider] [img]https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/18518375_1948191798758768_4812297123427270187_o.jpg?oh=2de45b729ccc40c3018dae9ad9769630&oe=59B63202[/img] [/hider] Around the 30th time I ate an attack while using Aerial Rave against a boss that I could've dodged if I was using Trickster, I changed my long-held stance from "DMC3 would really have benefited from being able to switch styles ingame like in DMC4" to "DMC3 would have really benefited if Aerial Rave was the default aerial attack and Helmsplitter was the aerial Swordmaster attack instead." I'll still probably play through it a bunch more, though.