[color=00aeef][b][h1]Ernest LaCreux[/h1][/b][/color] [h2]Ernest's House, Near Foreigner's Cemetery[/h2] Ernest nodded at his Servant's observations regarding scouting. [color=00aeef]“I see your point. I shall send the dove to the temple and see what sort of information we can glean. As for familiars, you may consider the birds... and any other simple constructions to be wholly expendable.”[/color] Such Thralls were a dime a dozen, the simplest tool of a necromancer. [color=00aeef]“If the bird is destroyed I can find more, so general surveillance should be possible without many problems.”[/color] He already had a plan to replace the scouts, and judging by the current state of the War, he would need as many as he could get. With that, Ernest closed his eyes, murmuring something to himself. Outside, the dove Thrall left its roost on the house's roof and set out in the direction of the temple. The next bit of advice caused Ernest to raise his eyebrows slightly. Had Ruler not told him everything? He supposed it was possible, given the bizarre circumstances of their last meeting. The thought of sending out one of his pre-constructed Thralls for such a venture didn't sit well, but information was key, and if the possibility was there then it needed to be explored. [color=00aeef]“Right then. I can send a Thrall out to the Church as well. No paper will be necessary.”[/color] Ernest tapped his cane on the floor and the Thrall that was not currently distracted by making breakfast entered the room. The figure wore a red hooded jacket and a black scarf, concealing much of its face. The magus placed his hand on the puppet's head, again murmuring to himself. The Thrall nodded, pulling its hood further down and exiting the house. Finally, Ernest turned toward his Servant, shaking his head. [color=00aeef]“Don't misunderstand, King of War. I do not intend to make a crutch of your judgment, I simply know where my strengths lie.”[/color] His explanation was somewhat stuffy and mechanical. [color=00aeef]“For the moment, we shall survey the city, checking spots similar to what you mentioned, and see if we can uncover our enemies' whereabouts.” [/color]The remaining Thrall, which was clad in a similar outfit to its 'brother', entered the room carrying two plates. One, it gave to Ernest, who quickly, yet with a sense of elegance, began eating. The second plate it held in front of Chi-You, as if offering a second chance at accepting its cooking. Upon closer inspection, this Thrall was female, if such a thing was important given its state. Ernest continued. [color=00aeef]“Between us and the two Thralls, we will have three vantage points with which to observe the city. With that many eyes, we are certain to find another Master and Servant...”[/color] He looked at his plate with grim expression, and he was silent for a moment. [color=00aeef]“If I had to guess, I'd say there are likely several pairs that will go to the Church today. This is dependent on what we see today, but...”[/color] He looked up at Chi-You, his eyes cold and resolute. [color=00aeef]“If one of those pairs is unfortunate enough to not leave before nightfall, we will confront them on their way home.”[/color] What he was suggesting, of course, was an ambush, but thinking about it as one left a bad taste in his mouth. For that reason, he used the word 'confront' instead of 'ambush'. Somehow it sat better with his aristocratic upbringing. [color=00aeef]“I assume you have no complaints?”[/color] After finishing his meal, Ernest began preparations to leave. The bird almost certainly was nearing the temple by now, and the Thrall would probably reach the Church fairly soon, though it was traveling slowly. After filling a thermos with coffee, Ernest headed toward the door. [color=00aeef]“I don't expect us to run into too much trouble during the day, but be prepared nonetheless.”[/color] Somehow, he felt he needed that advice much more than his Servant. [color=00aeef]“We'll start with scouting around Shinto, then head for Miyama. Following that, we will circle back around toward the Church and commence with our plans for the night.”[/color] As they left the house, Ernest removed a pair of keys from his pocket, opening the trunk of the limousine. Inside were the weapons he had managed to procure for the war. With a sigh, he withdrew one of three handguns from a crate. After making sure the weapon was loaded and its safety we active, he holstered it under his jacket. It was a distasteful action. Firearms didn't particularly suit him, and he had never been a very good shot, but his magecraft provided very little personal defense without his Thralls, and while bullets would be about as good as throwing rocks at a Servant, one might work as a last ditch effort against a Master.[color=00aeef] “Right then, let's head out. We'll take the limousine for now.”[/color] As he spoke, the remaining Thrall took the driver's seat of the vehicle. The magus first opened the door for his Servant, an act he desperately hoped she took as a sign of respect and not an attempt at patronization. Following that, he took his own seat and called for the car to head out. As the car rolled on, Ernest looked toward Chi-You. Despite their conversation the night before, he still knew precious little about her. Nimrod had been an entirely different situation. He had known that Heroic Spirit's legend and had summoned him because of it, but Chi-You had been summoned without a catalyst of any sort. Surely something tied them together, though he wasn't entirely sure just what that 'something' was yet. As the car headed toward Shinto, he spoke, glancing out the window. [color=00aeef]"So, if I may ask, what is your motivation in this war, Chi-You? Is there some end goal you're pursuing?"[/color] The words were a bit more familiar than the formal tone he had used earlier. A question of motivation was the best he could come up with. After all, the same motivation that led him to pursue the Grail was what had driven him for years now. Perhaps knowing Chi-You's motivation would help him to understand her better. [h1][b][color=00aeef]Dove Thrall[/color][/b][/h1] [h2]Ryuudou Temple, Perimeter[/h2] The bird fluttered around the perimeter of Ryuudou Temple, careful, for the moment, to draw too near to the building. Still, from the sky the drone provided a decent vantage point of both the temple itself and the grounds that surrounded it. In appearance, it was practically indistinguishable from an ordinary dove, though up close inspection one might notice the bloodstains on its white feathers. [b][color=00aeef][h2]Thrall Un[/h2][/color][/b] [h2]On the Way to the Church[/h2] The Thrall made his way from Ernest's house at a quick but unhurried speed. [color=00aeef][i]Don't run. Would bring attention.[/i][/color] This was a rule the magus had set for him. Though the Thralls were not near the mental capacity of a human being, or even that of most magical constructs, they still possessed a human brain, though it was kept functional only by the influx of Magical Energy from a magus. Thus, thoughts processed within the puppet's mind. Things could be recorded, notes and observations mostly, though the magus would have to be the one to make sense of them. On and on up the hill the Thrall climbed, his pale grey eyes only scarcely visible in the gap between his hood and scarf. On the way, he passed a very upset looking young man running in the opposite direction. [i][color=00aeef] Trouble? Problem? Not goal. Keep moving.[/color][/i] And so he did, he kept moving up toward the Church, but came to a stop near the Foreigner's Cemetery. Luckily, by the time the Thrall arrived, the Cemetery was completely empty, but something about the area brought him to a stop. His master had put him in an 'observation mode' of sorts, so it was only natural to note irregularities. [i][color=00aeef]Ground... disturbed. Fight? Probably important. Take note.[/color][/i] Taking what amounted to a snapshot of the empty cemetery, the Thrall continued on toward his goal, finally reaching the Church, entering behind a small, dark haired girl and a massive hulk of a man that appeared out of nowhere. There were others in the room as well, all of which Ruler referred to as 'competitors'. [i][color=00aeef]Take note. Take note.[/color][/i] Another snapshot. There was also the concerning amount of cardboard strewn around the room. [i][color=00aeef] Take... note?[/color][/i] Following Ruler's greeting, the Thrall stepped out from behind those who had preceded him, turning to face Ruler. In a moment, the Thrall seemed to take on a much more 'human' disposition, and spoke with a voice that was not his own. [color=00aeef]“Ah yes, pardon the intrusion, Ruler, I realized during my previous visit I forgot to inquire about a few particulars regarding this war. The situation being what it was, I'm sure you understand.”[/color] Mechanical, polite, and painfully stuffy: The Thrall spoke in Ernest's voice, though with a slight hint of unnatural distortion. [color=00aeef] “This Grail War being in the... peculiar state that it is in, I was a bit curious regarding the basic rules and regulations, as well as what exactly constitutes a 'conclusion' for this conflict.”[/color] The puppet spoke with its master's every mannerism. It was a rather uncomfortable thing to watch. [@Holy Grail] [@Moonlit Sonata] [@Cu Chulainn] [@Beloss]