[H2][center]Ryan Chideta 23/7/15, Seto: The First Step- Fields Trails[/center][/h2] [Center][@Letter Bee][@Sen][@EnterTheHero][/center] Ryan moved beside Sato, watching Samuru rush the Shadows as they were... picnicking? Also these Shadows looked super weird. There were two Unicorns and a giant starfish with a Cyclops eye. They claimed they were having a picnic and Ryan was beginning to tune them out when a Unicorn shot off a Zionga at them. Samuru attempted to negotiate with them, which really said a lot about both him and Ryan considering he was about to just let loose with a Garudyne and eviscerate them. Negotiation failed and Samuru let loose with Deathbound, shredding the Decarabia. Samuru was really trying to let them go, but the time for talk was over. [Color=royalblue]"Come on out, Geraint!"[/color] As Ryan crushed his Persona card and pointed at one of the Unicorns, [url=https://i.imgur.com/gnaQc4E_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=high]a regal figure dressed entirely in white and gold wielding a massive blade of energy[/url] appeared above him, his wings splayed out in full glory. Geraint flapped it's wings hard and a small tornado formed around one of the Unicorns, tearing it apart within seconds. Dyne spells are very strong apparently.