[@tex] [color=39b54a]Pedestrian? Are you looking for something combat oriented?[/color] Gossick said outload, not quite picking up on Mikey trying to be subtle with his words. [color=39b54a]If combat is what you're looking for, I'm wondering what you're using it for.[/color] After all, he couldn't just sell to a shady looking person planning doing some unkind things in the streets of New Wickborough. While Gossick wasn't exactly a legal tender of weapons, out here in the poorer districts, it didn't quite matter. [@Jensoman] Now turning his attention to the other man, Gossick motioned over to a rack of potions, each with their own price tags, some of them on sale. In his monotone, he explained [color=39b54a]"Medical, rapid healing, magic enhancement, rune batteries, combat oriented potions. Take your pick."[/color]