[center][h1][b][color=f9ad81]Alessio [/color]& [color=c4df9b]Aria[/color] Russo[/b][/h1] Interactions: [@Apoalo][/center] [hr] As soon as Micah nears them, Alessio glares at him, pulling Aria behind him, keeping himself in front of her. [color=f9ad81][i]Another male![/i][/color] he thinks to himself. [color=f9ad81][i]How many more of these people are we going to have to pass? I seriously want to kill them for even looking at Aria![/i][/color] "Hey guys. I haven't seen you two around before, but if you have any questions I'd be more than willing to help with what I can?" Alessio doesn't say anything, still glaring. Aria looks over Alessio's shoulder, and smiles quickly at Micah, not wanting him to be offended by Alessio's rather intimidating glares. She doesn't say anything though, not wanting to provoke her twin. He was already highly strung as it is, and was acting defensively. They watch as Micah looses his smile. Following his line of sight to Hudson, Alessio's glare deepens. "Hold that thought. I'll be right back." They watch as Micah helps Hudson. Alessio was trying to pull Aria along, but Aria just shakes her head, wanting to wait for Micah. As Micah returns, Alessio turns to Aria, whispering [color=f9ad81]"I don't want to be here. We should've gone when he left to help that other boy."[/color] [color=c4df9b]"Don't be so rude, Alessio!"[/color] Aria whispers back, glaring at her brother. Alessio sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Sorry about that, now as I was saying. Any questions or concerns?" They turn back to look at him. [color=c4df9b]"Aah... No. Thanks for asking though,"[/color] Aria says, smiling brightly. [color=c4df9b]"I'm Aria, and this is my twin, Alessio." [/color]She nudges Alessio in the gut with her elbow, glaring up at him. He returns the glare, before gruffly turning it to Micah. [color=f9ad81]"Hi..."[/color] he mutters, looking away. [color=c4df9b]"...Oh, um... since we're new here, where are we supposed to go first?"[/color] Aria asks.