[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cXxrzFd.png[/img][/center] [color=9e0b0f]"Well, my whole family died in a tragic bird Faunus hunting accident, so it's been a little quiet,"[/color] Jericho replied drily. [color=9e0b0f]"It's one of the dozens of reasons I hate you."[/color] Granted, not that Family Day had been [i]atrocious.[/i] The Mindaro parents were more acceptable company than Gratia, and their continued gratitude for something as minor as surviving a shopping spree alongside them was as sweet as it was wholly unnecessary. The twin land mines of unwanted affection that were Bianca and Beryl were as predictable yet unwanted as a sunrise was to a goddamn hangover, but there were much harder people to avoid out there. He... He couldn't complain. His cappuccino was ready; he heard his name being called in the lax tones of a barista looking to move a coffee off the counter. Jericho went to collect, and returned to take his seat. This time, he sat normally, and at least paid Bianca the courtesy of meeting her eyes for a second. She had an infuriating grin on her porcelain face. He knew he'd been too soft on her. Goddamn it. God[i]damn[/i] it. [color=9e0b0f]"So what's up with you?"[/color] he asked, loathing himself as he did. [color=9e0b0f]"Sitting in a coffeehouse alone on Family Day is even depressing to me. Is there anyone else from the Second Estate that I'm going to have to work not to shoot today?" [/color]