[quote=@The Harbinger of Ferocity] I have to admit, I do not consider myself to fall square in any of that territory, at most [b]I teeter a bit to each side in each[/b], [@Dynamo Frokane]. Your beloved cake might be in jeopardy after all. [/quote] Now that we have the flat earth out of the way, where do you 'teeter' on the other issues. [i]"Some races are [b]biologically[/b] more intelligent and suited to western society than others"[/i] [i]"The Civil War had nothing to do with Slavery, it was about rights"[/i] [i]"Government involvement stifles the economy, let the free market fix things naturally"[/i] [i]" The globe may be warming, but this has been exaggerated for left wing investments"[/i] [i]" I'm not saying there weren't jewish deaths during WW2, it was a war, a lot of people died. I'm skeptical about the methods and ridiculously high reported numbers"[/i] Now I'm not strawmanning you at all, these are all real quotes I've seen online and heard from people in real life in serious discussion. I'm also not attributing any of these quotes to you personally, I'm just trying to see where you stand. Now I would have a hard time believing a centrist would be anywhere close to partially invested in these fringe claims, but I'm willing to hear arguments to the contrary. I honestly am willing to give 'right leaning' people the benefit of the doubt, I have absolutely no issue with moderate mainstream conservatism. But when a supposed centrist starts using widely debunked science for an argument towards ethno nationalism, the centrism really starts to come into question. Just the same when supposed 'left leaners' are open stalin apologists, they have a skewed perception of where the middle is.