I appreciate them not being leveled at me as accusations, [@Dynamo Frokane]. [hider=Consolidated Response][list] [*] All "races" are slight variations of the same species. I have yet to see anything convincing that indicates any race is, in fact, a distinct subspecies of [i]Homo sapiens sapiens[/i], or other than the anatomically modern human. I do believe races carry some distinct genetic benefits and or drawbacks based upon natural pooling. I do not believe these have sufficient, credible, or qualified enough grounds to be called "more intelligent" or "more prone to Western-isms". [*] The Civil War did indeed involve the major point of contention that was slavery. Was it the only one? No, but it made for an excellent moral argument for the Union and the means to be the straw that broke the camel's back to help go to war. The Confederacy did not want to lose their livelihood, investment and industry in slavery. I am under the belief it was like any other conflict, in that it was no one factor is responsible, but slavery was a major one. [*] The government is a necessary evil in the market, because a market allowed to run completely free will run rampant, just as a government owned and controlled market will crumble because the actual demands are not being met and is flawed at its core by being artificial. The best form of law is not more of it, but that which is carried out as plainly, as impartially and as intended as it can be. I prefer fewer, more strict, and unfeeling law enforcement on all levels. No one likes too much interference and oversight in their lives or business. [*] The prospect of climate change is a natural one, with the involvement of humanity not being a question at all. What is of question is just how much humans are to blame for it and just what the results of that impact might be. I am not convinced the environmental "apocalypse" I keep hearing about is going to happen. [*] The Holocaust and its victims are undeniable. It was a dedicated, methodical, purposeful and targeted effort to eradicate people who were "undesirables", with a special form of hatred reserved for those Jewish. I make no mistakes about it as a fact, just as I make none about that with regard to those who acted in the pursuit of communism, of which has killed as many and more. [/list][/hider] Hopefully that was concise enough to answer the questions and provide insight into my notion of "teetering a bit to each".