[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=crimson][center]Spencer[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ppy.sh/46e05df63e4fd0fac9209916621983e8dcf02571/687474703a2f2f6936332e74696e797069632e636f6d2f33306b613638352e706e67[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=crimson]Location: [/color]Barracks, Shezze[/center][center][color=crimson]Interacting With: [/color]Everybody![/center] Spencer was clearly confused about how something could be spooky and not scary. In her eyes, they were basically the same thing. But, as intoxication tends to lead one to do, Spencer decided to trust Zara's judgement. Perhaps her trust in the woman would even lead others to a more trusting conclusion. [color=crimson]"OK~! I trust miss Zara...!"[/color] Declared the vampire enthusiastically, patting her now-sheathed blade as though taking pride in the weapon. [color=crimson]"I'm a good fighter, hehehe! If you guys need, I'll be doing all the battle work, going stab and slash and boosh!"[/color] Her expression of different methods to strike something using only onomatopoeia was pretty remarkable, as she continued on listing sounds before seemingly coming to her senses. [color=crimson]"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait... Whaaaaaaaaa? Huuuuuuuuuuuuh? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?"[/color] It appeared as though Spencer had forgotten what she was doing... With a shrug, the little vampire felt for her backpack, before freezing up suddenly. [color=crimson]"Oh nuuuuuuuuu! My stuffs! Iz back in da plaza! DA PLAZA!"[/color] Despite being a little melodramatic, she still appeared to show concern for her missing items. [color=crimson]"I wan'it, 'cause my stuff is pretty cool! I've got my bow and a dirk and a vase if we need one for decorating! And the... oh no... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! THE BIG BOOOOOOOK!"[/color] Without warning (save for her screaming) Spencer took off in the direction of her bag, in an effort to retrieve it. Though barely tangible, one of the party may have heard a [color=crimson]"I'll be back!"[/color] in the middle of her screaming, however this all depended on how hard they were listening. Though with her screaming, that was no small wonder if they had heard. Spencer continued to run straight from the barracks to the plaza, now with much less screaming, where she would look to locate her bag.