[@wolverbells][@LordVoldemort][@Solace][@Jinxer][@LetMeDoStuff][@HecateProxy][@Ambra][@Aquanthe][@QT] General update on how this getting grilled by the Instructor is going to go down! The first post involves [u]ONLY[/u] Emil and Jade getting their asses chewed out. Every subsequent post will just be going down the line of the image provided here. The easiest way to get this done without controlling all of your characters into oblivion is going to be as follows! As you can see, at the end of the first Instructor post Jade was left to answer questions! So Jade [@wolverbells] will need to answer those questions before the Instructor will move onto the next PC cadet (We can just pretend he harasses every cadet but fuck the NPCs for now or this will take ages). So once Jade answers Instructor Schulz, I will respond. The first part of my response will be directed at Jade, the second part will be directed at the next PC in line. The Instructor [u]will[/u] leave your PC alone once you get a single response in, whether you want to have your character respond to his response is up to you, and if you say something snarky after he has already left your side expect to be running with Emil, However, I'm not going to have him leave the PC he is currently with to reply. You'll just get yelled at across the group. Every subsiquent response will be the same: Instructor Post: 1. Responds to PC answer 2. Grills next PC in line PC: 1. Answers Instructor Post: 1. Responds to PC answer 2. Grills next PC in line AND SO ON! I hope that is easy enough to understand! Here is the placement of the recruits, unmarked circles are just random NPCs and can be assumed they've been yelled at before getting to your character if there are any between you and the last PC. As an edit, everyone can freely react to the treatment of your fellow cadets if you're itching to get posts up. Just know that it may take a little for Instructor Schulz to actually get to your character. Also your characters will be held liable for anything they do in these posts, if Schulz sees it happening (He probably will). You've been warned. [img]http://i.imgur.com/l5ntVd4.png[/img]