[@DracoLunaris][@KoL][@Hammerman] [center][b]TZI TI'AMTUM[/B][/CENTER] "Gimme a jiffy!" There wasn't much for Tzi to pack up; beyond the clothes on his back, his portable grill and his journal, there was little else that the giant young man really needed to bring places. So it was not long after their rout of their attacks that he answered Althea's call. His trident, wiped down with a raggedy cloth mere seconds prior, manifested in his hands once more, a twinkling steely colour now that the lifeblood of his enemies no longer coated its surface. That was some pretty good timing, because making a stretcher with a blood-encrusted weapon didn't sound too safe. Or very nice. It was real grotty. He ambled casually over to where the medic was, muscled chest surprisingly covered for once. It wasn't uncommon (see: it was the normal thing for him) to catch sight of the 200cm tall man strolling around with his upper torso (excepting his mantle) laid bare to the light of the world. It was something that was less restrictive for him, less confining. Of course, it was also night time, and with the fires being put out, he needed the military uniform to keep himself warm. "Those are some strange markings," he commented casually, trident pressed down against the earth so he could balance against it. His eyes were watching some of the bodies of the attackers while he waited for Althea to take his weapon. The tattoos were immediately evident. "They in a clan together or something?"