Jenso took deep gasps of air as oxygen filled his lungs again. He sighed in relief, but his happiness from having survived was quickly overwhelmed by the immediate concern of his friend's safety. He spun around immediately, as he gazed at the rubble that covered Oz, Geode and Vale. [color=f26522]"OZ!!!"[/color] He screamed in panic, as his wings turned back to white flames when his body was exposed to oxygen again. They covered his body, as the wounds on his back fully healed again through the phoenix's regenerative abilities. He flew over towards the rubble immediately, as his wings heated up to an extremely high degree. He tried to sense Oz's exact location within the rubble through his Ki. He inspected the rubble closely and quickly, not wanting to cause the rubble to collapse in on his friend even more by shifting the make-shift dome of rubble too violently. He approached the side of the rubble that seemed the sturdiest and where the wall of rubble was the thinnest and closest to his friend's location. [color=f26522] "Oz, if you can hear me, stay perfectly still!"[/color] He called out. He moved his super-heated white wings forwards in fluid motions, aiming to quickly melt two specific spots of the rubble wall as he grabbed ahold of it, essentially hugging the wall. He made sure to do these movements very precisely and quickly while trying to avoid the rubble from shifting too much. The white flames on the front of his body didn't give off much heat. He aimed to wrap his wings around Oz, essentially creating a heat dome made out of white flames that would end up covering Oz's barrier. The flames would not hurt Oz himself, but would melt and evaporate the rubble around him and within his barrier, including the one that was injuring him. If this were succesful, Jenso would focus more heat into the white flames on the front of his body in order to melt the part of the wall that he was hugging for Oz to have a way out.