Brennus had taken the chain into account, which was why he thrust for the inner thigh rather than the leg proper, but by a twist of fate (and the chain) his spear had jammed itself between one of the wide links. The chain would still slam into the inside of the man’s leg, but apparently not enough of the point had breached the link to cut into his body. Unfortunate, but it meant retrieving the spear would be no difficult task, it wasn’t wedged if it wasn’t poking out the other side. Brennus quickly moved into his next attack, as the chained spear point bounced off the man’s leg it would thrust between both legs, and Brennus knew that a spear could still be dangerous going out again. Straightening his body, Brennus lifted the spear quickly with his lead hand, as he retracted with a forceful draw cut aimed at the man’s groin. The spear point would of course free itself from the chain as it pulled backwards, and the side of the blade would pose a credible threat in the form of cutting open the man’s nether region. Bleeding out from such a wound was not uncommon, but more importantly, what man wanted his dick cut open by a spear? To accommodate this movement, he’d have to make another of those gathering steps in reverse, but a bunching in his thigh suggested he was ready to rush back in again once his spear point was again in his control.