[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210312/f5dd0fcc97025b981aa5e58fe05ca8f9.png[/img] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/6233922d-753c-4152-9afe-3b82ce990681/d89hz59-4c105389-c27d-4ffa-a3e4-332c58d26bca.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNjIzMzkyMmQtNzUzYy00MTUyLTlhZmUtM2I4MmNlOTkwNjgxXC9kODloejU5LTRjMTA1Mzg5LWMyN2QtNGZmYS1hM2U0LTMzMmM1OGQyNmJjYS5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.DJPI7Ue2aViCax22buQwZMfhPJbrrmxoCyPH4Nl3wtg[/img][/center] [INDENT][INDENT] [color=FFE529][b]Name[/b][/color] [indent]Sawajiri Touka[/indent] [color=FFE529][b]Arcana[/b][/color] [indent]Priestess[/indent] [color=FFE529][b]Age[/b][/color] [indent][abbr=Year 1]15-16[/abbr][/indent] [color=FFE529][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] [indent]Touka could best be described as sociable, spritely, and kind. Despite never getting over her father’s death and having to more or less find her own way due to her mother seeming to be always working, Touka doesn’t try to publicly appear demure, depressing, or pessimistic. The way she processes things is mostly mired in repression and nostalgia. If she focuses on the good and on music she believes she can pretty much ignore anything sad or cruel. That said, she’s afraid of getting too close to people. When teasing can be misconstrued as flirting she backpedals and tries to leave a situation as fast as possible and any friendships she has is skin deep because she’s afraid of someone she’s close to leaving her. She doesn’t know if she could bear it, even through her façade. So as long as her friends don't try to be too close and try to peel away her armor she tends to think she will be fine. [/indent] [color=FFE529][b]Backstory[/b][/color] [indent] The Sawajiri Family has nothing, well, close-to-nothing. Touka’s mother is the head of the household, and has been since the death of her husband and Touka’s father five years ago. Despite help by her mother’s younger brother, the family has struggled immensely. With her mother overworked at the local hospital as one of the nursing staff and her uncle either halfway into a bottle of Saki or chasing skirts Touka has only really had one solace. Music. A naturally gifted singer and instrumentalist, Touka started playing violin when she was very young. Her fondest memory has been the last performance she had that her father, despite being sickly and near death, had seen. In the years since Touka has tried her best to get through life as quick as possible. She’s had the same friends group since pretty much forever and often appears as the center of attention despite not wanting to be. She’s never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. N-not that’s any of your business! She is currently attending Kenkoichi International Academy with hopes her musical talents can help her become a healthy and more financially stable adult. Maybe one day she can come to terms with her past.[/indent] [color=FFE529][b]Gear[/b][/color] [indent] The most notable thing Touka tends to have on-hand is her [b]violin[/b]. While being athletic enough to participate in team sports, her club activities are limited to music for the most part. Beyond her violin one could often see her with a handbag, backpack, or umbrella depending on the need. She’s a High School Student, not a shoujo protagonist. [/indent] [color=FFE529][b]Persona[/b][/color] [indent][url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigid][color=white]Brigid[/color][/url] [/indent] [color=FFE529][b]Persona Abilities[/b][/color] [indent]The aspects of Touka’s Persona revolve around the spring season. Fertility, healing, song, and craft. As such Touka’s abilities would revolve around healing wards, support spells, bard-like enchantments, and the element of water for its restorative properties and of the showers that come in spring to restore the earth. [/indent] [/INDENT][/INDENT] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210321/78522a02029118b6a7f19a2b9ee43f4b.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c4/fc/4d/c4fc4dbf0920512d1b15e42f1ea34d1f.jpg[/img] [sub][abbr=5'1"]157cm[/abbr] | 108 llbs | 16 | Year 2 | Female[/sub][/center] [color=A16E4F]PERSONALITY[/color] [INDENT]Nanase is an introvert. She’s always been an introvert since before the accident. But when she was younger she was a [i]happy[/i] introvert. The sixteen-year-old version of her personality is a bit more dour and pointed. She’s blunt, but not confrontationally blunt. She doesn’t smile, even for appearances, and the idea that the polite shy girl she once was still exists is hard to say. Losing family and the anxieties of her own psyche has brought a good deal of bearing on her. She knows she doesn’t want to be like she was. She wants to be more assertive, but she finds doing so quite difficult. Her classmates have known Nanase as the quintessential kuudere, quiet and ready to speak her mind when she absolutely must. [/INDENT] [color=A16E4F]ARCANA[/color] [INDENT]Justice[/INDENT] [color=A16E4F]PERSONA[/color] [INDENT]The Maid of Orléans, Jeanne[/INDENT] [color=A16E4F]SKILLS[/color] [INDENT][color=black]►[/color] Rakukaja [indent][color=gray][sub]Increase the defense of an ally or the caster.[/sub][/color][/INDENT] [color=black]►[/color] Cleave [indent][color=gray][sub]Inflict light physical damage on a foe.[/sub][/color][/INDENT] [color=black]►[/color] Brave Blade [indent][color=gray][sub]Inflict moderate to heavy damage on a foe.[/sub][/color][/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=A16E4F]TRANSFORMATION[/color] [INDENT]The transformative energies bestow Nanase with the appearance of a lady knight of sorts. Shades of silver and angel white are notable in this appearance. A circlet completes the transformation.[/INDENT] [color=A16E4F]WEAPON[/color] [INDENT]Sword[/INDENT] [color=A16E4F]HISTORY[/color] [INDENT]Mutō Nanase was born and raised in Kyoto for the entirety of her life. Actually, that’s not true. Nanase came to Kyoto from Osaka, where she’s originally from. It’s a convenient lie to say she’s always been in Kyoto, one deeply rooted in her experiences as a child and the abrupt move when she was seven years old. To say she comes from a broken home is an understatement. Her father, Tatsuro, was not a nice person. Between the smell of saké and the yelling, the Mutō household was in a constant flux of verbal abuse. She remembers the fights sometimes, but most often she tries to forget because she stood there pretending to not notice what was going on in front of her. She didn’t try to do anything. Not even a contest of “please, stop fighting”. Her own fear of retaliation even though her father never rose his hand crowded her mind. Eventually, as these things go, things escalated to a breaking point. Her mother, Teruko, tried to keep up appearances but on Nanase’s tenth birthday she killed herself. Her father didn’t change. There was no remorse. He called her a coward in a drunken stupor while Nanase herself had remained catatonic from finding the body for the most part. Soon enough a change of scenery was decided for the two of them. One of her father’s more sober and rational determinations. The move from Osaka to Kyoto wasn’t too extreme and a change of scenery did stop reminding Nanase’s father of his dead wife. Nanase thought it was hiding. He always did like hiding. But she was no different as she began to pretend nothing ever happened, pushing any memory deeper and deeper inside her heart. Nobody stood up for her mother and she certainly didn’t make things any better. Why else would her mother choose her birthday of all days to give in to grief and despair? As always there was no answer and Nanase was left filling in blanks. So she filled in blanks. When people asked things she played pretend. Eventually, strange things appeared again in her life when she couldn’t stop some new friends from doing a stupid thing. Then there was the fire. The destructive, almost enticing fire. Then came the stories and the weird dream. She still hasn’t been able to make sense of it all. She just knows another bad thing is going to happen. She just doesn’t know when. [/indent] [color=A16E4F]MISC[/color] [INDENT]To Be Determined as needed.[/INDENT]