“Good morrow, sir.” Kijani smiled politely at the old gentleman, but was inwardly wincing. She hadn't expected to make a scene, at all. Now she was scrambling for a story. Luckily, she'd always been quite creative. “No trouble at all, actually. I am on holiday, and... I would appreciate your help in finding potential housing for the time being.” The coachmen set down her traveling bag at her feet, tipped his hat to her, and was off before she had the idea to call him back. Her story wasn't bad. It was simple enough to be believed, but open enough that she could add details as necessary. “If it's not too much trouble, that is.” She was used to being obeyed by people that dressed like this man did, but she wasn't completely fooled by her upbringing. There wasn't her name to back her up, here. She was strictly on her own merits, and it wouldn't do well for her if she started things off by insulting the only person to greet her so far.