[center][h3]Michael Kelthas[/h3][/center] [@Patches] [hr] Mikey rose his left and and waved it dismissively. "No! I'm not looking for anything [i]combat[/i] oriented, ehm.." He turned to Jenso and held his breath for a moment. The man seemed uninterested in the mundane arts of magic, which is exactly how he'd describe his research. "Rune Batteries, [i]preserved Amalgam flesh[/i], Liquid Runes, anything obtuse that you might have in stock," Mikey droned on, listing off anything he could think of off the top of his head. "And machinery, parts in particular, though I doubt you'd have anything like that. The UM would likely be more keen on... [i]Stuff[/i], ah," Mikey paused and looked over Gossick's shelves as he waited for a response. He'd never worked with potion crafting before. Alchemy seemed irrelevant to his research, a stepping down into his neighbour's basement. There were some things that people shouldn't be messing with, after all, lest they lose a finger, or [i]eight.[/i]