[h1][b][i][color=39b54a][center]Felix Hausten[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center]Location: Justice Asylum - Justice Memorial Hospital [/center] The ride was a blur for felix. But at the same time, it was like an endless slog for him. Feeling the road whiz by yet not able to see it as it did so. He food vaguely see Riley and he wanted to say some words but as he opened his mouth slightly, the events hit him again. He remembered the whole event suddenly, something he'd been avoiding during the ordeal, trying to think of the future positively. But the bleakness of the situation hung over him like a mIstanbul. He had almost died. Another man had died. And for what? For his own selfish needs, to find out more. Before he knew it he was being wheeled inside and he tried to sit up, but to no avail. He was restricTed but wasn't that better when he thought about it. He wanted to know more so what did he do? Murder was the solution, murder and chaos always easked the story along but he always preferred not to be a direct cause. He looked up. Wincing as the pain surged through his nervous system. It seared and felt like it was burning into his skull. He laid back and looked up. What was going to happen to him now hm? He sat and waited. Looking for where Riley had went and grit his teeth. He couldn't fix this mistake or lie about it. He was the cause and if he could stop that man from dying he would. His name was written all over that ordeal and chances were he wasaid going to pay for it.