So, for clarification on Sophia's shield before we start: In terms of physical damage, the shield can regenerate pretty quickly between hits. What this means is that damage from, say kicks, or punches would be unlikely to break the shield unless bolstered in speed by magic. However, a gun could potentially shatter her shield in roughly one hit. Yoshu and I figured out the number would range somewhere around 24,000 PSI to completely shatter the shield using physical means. As an example, a double barrel shotgun's average PSI is 19,800. Another example would be an AR15's average PSI which is 25,000. As previously stated, though, if blunt-force was used to break it, it would have to be bolstered by magic to be fast enough to get passed her regeneration. It could feasibly be done, however. Magic is a little harder to quantify than physical stuff, so, I'm not entirely sure how to clarify that. But it would take a lot less magic to break her shield.