[quote=@71452K] [img]https://m.popkey.co/8f04ba/wqoRA.gif[/img] This is the only part I'm @_@'" about. Where do we start? [/quote] "You" will be the robot starting the plot: in this case it will be me. The rest of you woke up 170 years after. And the current time is, well. a secret. As I have mentined just after this, time has basically lost it's meaning to the robots at this point, so they only know that the planet WILL turn away from teh sun again for a thousand years, but they don't know when. Until then solar energy is absolutely viable to let them power up. [quote=@Drazah] [@6slyboy6] Hows my CS lookin? [/quote] Horizon: Zero Dawn party is here! Joke aside, It will be interesting to see how they work. Especially since the owl cannot really fly in the thin atmopshere. I mean, we already have a [s]talking toaster[/s] sentient typewriter, so why not an elephant and an owl. This RP is looking to be more interesting than I thought in so many ways.