Thomas stared at the crutch girl as she walked away before turning to face the rain. She'd been somewhat strange, no doubt, and he couldn't really figure out her intentions. Not that he really needed to, though. If it had been important he'd hear about it sooner or later. And if he didn't hear about it, then that was fine too. Secrets are secrets for a reason, after all. Thomas opened his umbrella and walked out into the rain, quickly losing himself in his thoughts. He was worried about Maribel's position in the student council considering everything that had happened, and he wanted to do something about it. Maybe he wasn't in the best position to do something, and maybe it wasn't his place to do so either, but it's not like he could just sit still and do nothing. As he walked he noticed that he was passing by a hospital. He didn't usually - he must of missed a turn. He noted with interest that it was the hospital that the student council president had been admitted to. Thomas stood in the rain for a moment, thinking of whether or not to drop in. He had things to discuss with her but he wasn't entirely sure she was in the mood for it. Heck, he wasn't sure [i]he[/i] was up for it, but it was something that had to be done one day or another. Thomas looked up to the white building and sighed. [color=brown][i]Better sooner than later.[/i][/color] Not like he had much better to do.