[color=7ea7d8]High Elder Gladstone – Western Brotherhood[/color] One moment it had been diplomacy, the next moment war had been declared. House had turned on the NCR, the leader of the Legion had departed, and all Atticus could think was. [i]Well, that escalated quickly.[/i] Pausing to take a final sip of wine, the High Elder dabbed his lips with a tablecloth, before speaking up towards the new entrant. “You have missed much Madam Delegate, just a declaration of war. So politics as per usual.” Looking around the room, Atticus’ mouth set in a grim line, before he finally decided to get the job he’d came here to do over. Turning to his two scribes, he gave a nod to them, their services would be needed soon. Standing, he cleared his throat and looked towards the King. “If I might speak to an envoy of New Vegas in private, that would be much appreciated. In addition to this, my associate scribes wish to speak with representatives of the Midwestern Brotherhood, and with a representative of the NCR.” A pause, he considered his words before continuing. “The position of the Western Brotherhood, is peace. To that end, we seek trade agreements with as many of our neighbours. Should you wish to engage in such a dialogue, please make it known, and the Western Brotherhood will endeavour to strike an agreement between our nations.” Giving a small bow to the room, the High Elder stood waiting with his eyes on the King as he waited for an answer.