[h2][center][color=007236]Gabriel Moreau - Training Camp[/color][/center][/h2] [center][@Solace][@FrostedCaramel][@Solace][@QT][@wolverbells][@HecateProxy][@Jinxer][@Ambra][@LetMeDoStuff][@Aquanthe][/center] [hr] Gabriel had aged into a fine young man after the long two years rolled by. He was far taller and broader than he was when Wall Maria was first infiltrated. His face didn't seem to change, however. Somehow though, he appeared incredibly mature. His sideburns were even growing out a bit as well, but he made sure not to let them grow out too much. Over the two years, he had taken care of his little brother, until he decided to join the military...an old promise that he made to Eitan. Leaving him in the care of his grandparents, Gabriel set off with some friends; Reese, Emil, and Olivia. He had gotten to know them a little better, but like always, he was busy with other things. In fact, he could remember Reese and Olivia telling him that he needed to socialize more. It wasn't as if he really had a choice either way. Surprisingly, he had already acquired a muscular enough body before entering training. His father's teachings were a life saver for him in those dark days. His bearing was sharp and straight, as expected of a veteran's son. In a way, he felt a little bad for the other recruits who shivered in their boots and acted frightened. It was natural, though. The cruelty that this Instructor taught them was necessary...even if Gabriel didn't wholly agree with the violent tendencies that he had. He looked over at the beaten recruits, thinking about how long they might last if they couldn't take a beating or two. Still....it was understandable that they would fall over in pain or react the way they did. All that really mattered in the end was their duty as soldiers. To him...this was the only way to achieve his goal; keep Eitan safe and repent for his cowardice when [i][b]they[/b][/i] died.