Jenso's beam coursed through Geode's chest and shattered his form, causing the golem to crumble into a pile of wretched stone. His eyes flickered until they were no more. Then, the golden orb in his right hand, and black orb in his left hand, hovered into the air. A third orb emerged from his head, this one a brilliant blue hue, and in a flash of light, the three cores engulfed themselves in a barely visible aura of energy. It looked ethereal, shapeless, but took the form of a humanoid creature that stood 12 feet tall, and shared many of Geode's features, albeit subtle. His eyes appeared again, within what looked like the silhouette of a head, and continued rotating. "You humans are indistinguishable from time-manipulating demons. Extremely bothersome," His voice howled from the ethereal body he managed to muster. "I never imagined there to be anything even remotely comparable to Jenso in terms of raw energy, but here you are. It seems I'll have to change the plan, ever so slightly."