Black. Liquid Adamantium obfuscated his vision--one moment he was alive, present. The next, gone. Wolverine was dead. But then. . . it happened, a sudden burst of energy! A cascade of rage and fury he had never felt before! "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHRH!" Logan launched himself from beneath the cover of the unhardened tomb, claws shone against steaming yellow sun and sprouted a near-golden hue. It kept dripping off of him with every second until it pooled into its own small pit at the seams of his boots. But this wasn't New York. There were no taxis, no rude passerbys. . . where the hell was he? Still on a rooftop, that was for sure. "What the @%&$?" he growled, his very being refreshed by the profanity. Whatever this place was, he had to find himself a new set of clothes and a cigar. He wasn't sure if all his faculties were there, yet--so he took the stairs. Logan was crass, some call him a killing machine--but he wasn't stupid. And he didn't quite enjoy rattling the metal skeleton in his body, it always hurt. After some time descending several flights, he was on the streets. Different streets than he knew, but the streets nonthesame. They'd have to do for now, 'cause he didn't know how he got here and he [i]sure[/i] didn't know how he was getting back. This was home now. He did wonder how Jean was doing. If there's one thing he did regret now that he was here, it's leaving her in the hands of beam boy. He barged his way into what appeared to be a clothes shop--he, of course, had no shirt on and his jeans had become jorts. "Welcome, sir." a young freckle faced girl said. "Fuck off, sweetheart." James hurled back. The girl was terrified. He stole a shirt with a red heart on it and a pair of black pants; then he changed right in the store. "Um, you can't do that in here, sir!" James shot an impatient sneer. She spoke no more. Of course, he wasn't one to expose himself to a young girl--that's indecent rape and at least one statutory rape claim no matter what dimension he was in. So, he turned away from her and proceeded to fully change. Then he left. "But si--" the door slammed before she could finish. Then Logan went on the hunt for the seediest bar he could find. He barged in, asked for a drink. No, twelve drinks. He couldn't get drunk, it wasn't like it mattered how many he ordered. He wasn't going to pay anyway.