[hr][center][url=http://fontmeme.com/spray-paint-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170501/f664c489d2778def23a79757ba4ce85b.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] [color=92278f]"Thanks, Koriandr. All my records should be in order now, have a nice day,"[/color] Sicaria said as she left the medical bay, all her affairs squared away for now. All she had now was glorious free time with which she could do whatever she wanted to. Food was out of the question, her appetite still hadn't returned, and she wasn't particularly exhausted. The choice was robbed of her as her omni-tool pinged, lighting up and prompting the Turian to open a message from none other than Alria. She read through it twice to make sure she wasn't hallucinating... was she flirting with her? It was quite possible, she could never tell with written messages, and the capital [color=lightblue]'REALLY'[/color] was making things lean more towards romantic intentions. That said, she pumped the brakes on her mind for a second, as far as she knew, Alria was straight. She lost a little hope, but maybe there was a slim chance. Well, it was better than nothing. She started to type back. [color=92278f]"I'm doing better, and the ship's nice. And I didn't really get too much, just need to find some places for everything. Want me to drop by in a little bit?"[/color] She hit send as she started to move for the elevator, aimlessly wandering until she got some kind of reply.