Maria did not deign to participate in the conversations that surrounded her in the mess hall as she ate the spaghetti with small, dainty bites. She didn't quite finish the entire thing, but that was not unusual. She spied Walter walking in, noticeably late-and let out a small huff of consternation. [i]Really? He didn't go on the run? Why did I have to run then, if he didn't?[/i] Maria [i]really[/i] didn't like coerced physical activity. She didn't pay much attention as the other members of their odd little group conversed, instead focusing on her own worries. For one, despite her best efforts, the muggy Georgia air had gotten the best of her and caused sweat to run down in rivulets down her face in the most repulsive manner. She was starting to notice how her skin was flaking, freckles appearing on her cheeks-it was all extremely concerning. Her lips were slightly chapped, her hair was a smelly mess, and her nails were beyond saving at this point. Maria sighed, desperately wishing for a proper hair brush and a tube of deep red lipstick. She absentmindedly placed a slender hand on top of her belly-[i]Six years, six years. Tick, tock.[/i] Soon enough, they were called to follow Captain David Stevens to classroom Lexington. Maria begrudgingly went along, bringing up the rear. Her back was as ramrod straight as the others, but there was a subtle difference in the way that she held herself as they walked. Whereas soldiers were stiff, tight, and tense, Maria's posture was that of a prima ballerina, all fluid grace and controlled precision. Inside the classroom, they were greeted by two men-one appeared to be a higher-ranking officer, while the other wore dark clothing and aviators. Maria coolly assessed him, the way she would assess a client. [i]The way he holds himself; government agent, perhaps? Something to do with national security; no self-respecting politician would be wearing aviators inside a building, even if this was not a military training camp, which makes the likelihood of him being a politician even slimmer. No.[/i] Maria listened as he began to speak. The name [i]Kellerman[/i] struck a chord of recognition within her. [i]Alessandro mentioned that man a couple of times before, if I recall correctly.[/i] Maria immediately felt a white-hot anger sear through her at the very thought of her father, and she ruthlessly shut it down, forcing herself to focus on the matter at hand. [i]And Caine and Emmerich, as well? My, my, my.[/i] Maria's mind whirled. [i]Kellerman junior involved with right-wing activists, while his father is friends with a Democrat? There's bound to be some tensions within the family, if this is the case. And Caine, of all people? He has plenty of reasons to dislike Emmerich. Goodness gracious, how the hell did Kellerman junior ever become friends with Republicans, if his father is purportedly a supporter of the Democrats?[/i] Maria could see why Emmerich would be targetted-could see why [i]any[/i] Democrat would be targetted. Republicans hadn't held the Oval Office since the early 1930's, after the economy went to hell in a hand basket. Roosevelt was too popular in the eyes of the public for the Republicans to do much, anyway, and with the war "unifying the nation" and all of that bullshit, Democratic dominance of politics was pretty much guaranteed. Maria wasn't much of a politician, nor did she particularly care about politics, but [i]some[/i] things were obvious, even to her. Maria paid close attention as the government agent continued to inform them of what they were to do. She clenched her jaw slightly. [i]Is this man for real? I'm supposed to act as [/i]security[i]?! What good is that going to be? Do I look like I am a capable bodyguard? I poison people just by touching them, for Pete's sake. [/i] How[i] am I supposed to guard somebody if I can't touch them?[/i] Maria seethed silently. [i]This is exactly why I cannot abide by this place. There is a total, absolute absence of simple logic.[/i] Maria held her frustration, though. If the mission failed because she was not a suitable [i]bodyguard[/i], then it was no loss to her. Maria could escort someone, yes. She could charm the secrets right out of them with a long touch and a flutter of her long eyelashes. But act as security? What the hell did these fools expect her to do if she saw someone suspicious, saunter right up to them and kiss them full on the lips? [i]Because, yes, that certainly will work![/i] she thought sarcastically. Despite her extreme resentment towards this particular course of action, Maria's face remained arranged in an expression of cool indifference. What did it matter to [i]her[/i] if they failed because their superior officers were horrible tacticians? Izkry voiced his doubt first. He appeared to be bewildered by American politics. A long, rather awkward silence passed before his sister spoke up. Maria thought that it was perhaps the first time that she'd heard Belasy say anything. She listened to Belasy give out her thoughts before deciding that she may as well pitch in a bit herself. "Better to try to learn something from Caine or the younger Kellerman," Maria said, not bothering to ask for permission. Her voice was cold, detached. "[i]All[/i] politicians have secrets-even this holier-than-thou Emmerich. The fact that the younger Kellerman has been associating with conservatives, while his father supports a Democratic senator, is what I find to be the most troubling. Given the current state of the government, and how Roosevelt and the Deomcrats have fairly dominated this country's politics for ten years, I would say that it is very likely that Republican hardliners are getting restless." Maria gave Belasy a cool glance. "And, just for the record, I agree with her. Your current plan is, to be quite frank, a waste of our abilities." [i]Especially mine,[/i] she added silently. "I do not see the logic in getting us all killed before we even finish this 'training'."